Stick to 10 20 30 rule for your presentation.
It means the following:
1) Your presentation should consist of no more than 10 slides
2) Your presentation should last no longer than 20 minutes
3) The text on each slide should be no lower than 30 points in size
The best is to keep it between 10 to 15 slides. If you go overboard, you lose interest and if you do less than 10, the audience might ask too many follow-up questions because you don't cover all topics. Try to make sure you have a streamlined pitch deck outline.
Hmmm I'm currently working on a pitch deck that I'll be first sending via email. It has 18 slides, 2 of which include product screenshots and a video.
I was following the recommended pitch deck structures by some VCs and tried to be as precise as possible when talking about the product -- really don't think there's an ideal number of slides.
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