@monika_myzenteam , we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check zipdo.co - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at]zipdo.co or join our waitlist.
@monika_myzenteam The employee's status should reflect what activity he/she doing in messaging app they are using. Timely replies are a must. Meeting invites should be sent beforehand. Nothing really special, just teamwork and honest communication 💪
Once a week is enough for my team to have a virtual meeting. They require very minimal supervision, and I let them decide what they think is best for the team.
However, we make sure we have an open conversation in Slack all the time. :)
@monika_myzenteam , we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check zipdo.co - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at]zipdo.co or join our waitlist.