Martina Hackbartt

How many meetings do you have per day? How do you prepare for them?

Hey, hunters! A couple of weeks ago, our team interviewed Nim from Amy. We discussed the importance of business interactions, and he told me he has around ten (10!) meetings a day, 8 being with new people. How many do you have? Nim says it's essential to personalise these interactions since people make purchasing decisions because of the person more than the product. So, how do you prepare for these meetings? Here's the link to the interview, in case you're interested:

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Alexander Eser
@martina_hackbartt, we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at] or join our waitlist.