0! You just need to start and share your progress with the Twitter community using the hashtag #buildinpublic. Your tweets will receive 50-80 views, and with a little bit of luck, your audience will grow. Note that to grow your audience, you need to post 3-4 tweets per day and don't forget to support other creators with likes and replies!
Don't worry too much about gaining followers. Instead, start sharing your journey, and interesting learnings, and engage with others. The rest will come naturally, but it's definitely a long-term game.
hey Azfar,
a number, any number - it's just that, a number. and building in public, it's an art, a dance, not a math equation.
start the dance not for the spectators, but for the sheer joy of moving to your rhythm, of learning new steps, of evolving with every misstep.
one, a hundred, a thousand - numbers will wax and wane, but the essence, the rhythm of your journey - that's what leaves a mark, that's what inspires.
so build, share, learn, iterate - in public or private. do it because it fuels you, because it feels like your authentic self-expression. that's where the magic hides.
followers, they'll join the dance when your rhythm resonates with theirs.
and remember, every dance starts with a single step. why not take that step today?
let's keep building,