@hacksman yeah I was doing some word play on "trading" and "investing" (trd.ng, nvst.ng) which are used for short URLs on our app. nvst.ly is our main domain, and nvstly.com/.net were available so I got em for various reasons, main being so no one can use them, and we may use the .com depending on SEO performance.
to post a picture just paste the link to it. can upload to imgur and paste the link ending with .png/.jpg
@sidraarifali You are one of the only two people I could spot in the comments that have only 1 domain. Have you had any more in the past that you let go?
I am assuming the one you have is that for Belly Buddy. How long have you had this domain?
@dikshapatrob I have this question I want to ask a few people here.
How many of them are you actually using? Also, is there a domain that even you don't known why you have it?
I have 4. Had a couple more that I let expire recently, thinking about buying them back.
I see you have 5. How many of them are you actually using? Also, is there a domain that even you don't known why you have it?
About 15 domains, most of which are actually in use or alt-names. My most recent purchases were in .io, .dev and .email zones, and my last .com was about 4 years ago.
Don't want to be honest here ๐โ๏ธ .. but for every domain I have a side project I'm working on - there's some kinda longterm plan
But yeah, I'm crazy ๐
NVSTly: Social Investing
NVSTly: Social Investing
Astro Typers