Ghost Kitty

How long did you build your community before launching?


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Hariz Maloy
I am ashamed to say I can't even tick one of the boxes you provided. We weren't aware at the value of the product hunt community so we built it as we launched in the last 18 or so hours. But now we have the support, I'll be putting in the effort in returning the favour and supporting the community here.
Ghost Kitty
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Chris Lester
I’ve spent 3 months fully dedicated to building community+mvp. I’ve also launched with no real community (1-2 days of building) Build a personal brand and you always have a community with you!
Chusana Prasertkul
@chrislester This is very refreshing to read. I am going into this a little blind. I launched today and haven't thought to allocate the time to building the community first. But I have built something personal that I have strong belief in..... now, just need to gather some people here 😅
Chris Lester
@chusana find your tribe and stick with it! Twitter, LinkedIn, PH, etc are goldmines for great connections and community!
Chusana Prasertkul
@chrislester Thank you for the advice! I have been 'off' social media for so long that I needed to reactivate my online self. It's been fun to connect with so many people all over the world. (It's my own first digital product). Would you mind taking a look at my product and share your thoughts?
This is my pain.. It's a pity that i didn't start much earlier.