I think the major help is raising your product's awareness, after which you can acquire early adopters and maybe find some good paying customers. Also the results are different from product to product.
PR and eyeballs / backlinks first, but feedback is another important aspect it looks like is forgotten.
Most Product Hunters are on here with a lot of really great, diverse experience and technically-minded, or have enough projects that they can give unique feedback that randomized beta testers or friends & family / first customers wouldn't be able to provide. Honing in on your product early on and having those careful eyeballs are just as important as generating the traction / traffic (but none of that would be possible without clicks first)
Product Hunt helps startups grow in many ways; it helps acquire early adopters, investors, and marketers. It also provides supporting members to perform beta testing of products.
All of these points!
Receiving feedback works, here, on product hunt, for sure.
Recently, the completely rough product has improved in a couple of hours thanks to the feedback of community. The author has added the functionality I have asked for in 20 minutes! That's impressive.
hello everyone, i'm a developer in the company https://sirinsoftware.com/indust.... Do you know one?every day I work a lot and look for colleagues on the forum
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