A duel system of existential dread and a trusting support structure.
I let myself push myself radically. I do let my anxieties and existentialism motivate myself to action. I do this because I have a trusted support network of friends and peers who I know will pull me out of any unhealthy habits.
A break is the best way of dealing with burn out, however if you can't just get up and holiday somewhere (or even have a staycation), then you need to find ways of doing something for yourself.
I find upping exercise and having dedicated time away from devices (or at least those where I can either see work, or work can find me) helps restore some balance which then can help with managing burnout.
Diversifying your life outside the office can help with burnout. Just pick some activities that you think can be fun or fulfilling and focus on those activities in your off-hours. Socializing with friends is generally considered to be a good antidote to the tedious working day. Alternatively, you can spend your off-hours reading a book, or cooking, or taking a French class.
I guess taking a nice long break is perfect and gives your mind and body time to relax and repair, but, aren't you in the same situation again a couple of weeks back at it? Using the break time to try and also identify changes in your life and work that can be made long term to prevent it happening again would beneficial whether that is implementing a new healthier routine or balance or identifying that your role or your company is causing it?
@joanne_hurleyv1 actually long break and joining courses to have some improvements in my work helped me to start over. I was recharged and inspired to change things. And I was also lucky enough that my team supported me in all of this.
Last time I felt burnout was during my previous career in sales. The solution was to switch the careers, and I knew that - I knew that vacation / money / recognition in that role won't help me, and despite having relatively successful career as a corporate sales manager, I wanted to quit.
And now, 9 months well into my web development career, it feels good! I get to learn a lot new stuff, I user my brain and creativity, I feel happy about this career path. I know that IT people also have burnout, maybe more often that in some other careers, but my opinion is that the feeling burnout is a sign of a wrong path in life (or trying to take a load that's too heavy).
Vacation / new hobbies are like a band aid that won't solve the root of the problem. Asking 5 why's helped me a lot to recognize the problem in my case. On the 2nd or 3rd 'why?' question to myself, my response was 'because I want to do a technical job and not sales'. 5 why's is a technique to identify the true root cause of any problem, you can google how to use this technique.
Burnout is a bad, toxic situation to be in, and if you're really struggling with it, I honestly wish you solving the root cause of it and don't struggle with it anymore.
I think than getting tired of the job is normal, we all need to recharge from time to time. But I think that it's a very different subject from burnout, and it's important to recognize when the burnout is not just lack of energy but something that has deeper roots.
@dan_yes This is interesting point if view. I had too visit my therapist actually to figure out if I actually had compete burnout and I have search for other path or do I need just a good recharge
Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental crisis. You are so stressed out or physically exhausted that you can't perform as well as you used to. You feel like you've hit a brick wall and can't work any harder. You have a difficult time getting started and you have a chronic feeling of being overwhelmed. You have thoughts of being worthless, hopeless and incompetent. Your work becomes sloppy, your self-confidence and optimism are gone, you often feel like a failure and you have difficulty learning new skills.
There was a time when I was on a mission to grow 4 products at a time. I felt that sometime. But I had decided to work even harder. But there will be a time when I don't want to work more, I'll get more sleep, then movie, drive and yummy food. I'd love to visit and be around with few friends and family.