I use a productivity app to prioritize my to-do list based on urgency and importance, and I also schedule specific time blocks for each task to keep me on track.
I group tasks into priority levels based on the deadlines. If something needs to be done today, it's at the top of the list. If it can be done in a week, it's probably near the bottom. Also, I put my todo list in a notes app—nothing too fancy.
In general, I found that if I don't tackle items in order of priority, I'll just push off those tasks that I don't want to do, and inevitably, I'm scrambling at the end to wrap them up.
@mervetarayici I have been trying to master this or reach a good enough solution but for now, what works best is to see what tasks need my urgent attention and make their tasks on Jira or Trello or on teams and add reminders for it. Give them priority numbers, and then tend to them first. Others that can wait or be delegated will eventually fall in place, if not they can be picked up later and followed the same way!
During this sometimes the tasks get reduced due to changes in schedules or plans. It's a win sometimes the vice versa happens.
Most importantly, use productivity tools. I am the creator of such an application and it is free. You can use if you want. But as for the answer, then set deadlines and set priorities according to deadlines. During my life I realized that this is a necessary thing for such multitasking people.
I tried using productivity apps, but I found managing and triaging the productivity app became another task I had to do! And that fell to the bottom of my priority, because of course I did! 🤣
I keep a journal by my desk, list all my tasks so I can see them all at once, that allows me to figure out priority, and then I can add to it throughout the day as things come up. If I don't get to it that day, I put it at the top of my list for the next day. If I push off a task every day for a week, I figure out if I *really* need to do that task, or delegate to someone else. My own lil' alert system!
I love just writing it all down first and then tackling from most important (need to be done now) to least important (can be pushed off for a later date). Some things flex but always starting with just a brain dump helps me figure out importance