Priya Agarwal

How do you plan your travel?


I typically spend a lot of time on social media looking for recommendations but how do you guys do it?

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Jovana Djekovic
I definitely lean on social media a lot. I love scrolling through Instagram to find inspiration for new places to visit. I often follow specific pages or hashtags related to the destination I'm interested in
Priya Agarwal
@jovana_djekovic Awesome! What are your favorite pages or hashtags?
Hey Priya! Planning travel can definitely be a fun but time-consuming process. Social media is a great way to gather recommendations from friends and influencers. Personally, I also like to use travel websites and apps that offer reviews and suggestions based on my preferences. It really helps narrow down the options. By the way, I'm actually working on a travel planning tool that aims to make the process even easier. I'd love to get your thoughts and feedback once it's launched. Would you be interested in giving it a try? Thanks in advance for your support!
Katrina Bain
By researching destinations, setting flexible routes, budgeting, and etc. It's like a full project for me!
Nyda Ahmad
I shortlist a few destinations with my time and budget in mind. Then I look up articles and blogs about my destination. Ask if anyone in my social circle has been there and what they thought of the place. Look up photos on IG. My favorite kinds of places to visit are affordable with lots of fun things to do.
Priya Agarwal
@nyda_ahmad That’s so relatable! What if all of the ways you plan (including budget, social circles, IG media, and articles/blogs) could be brought into one single platform, cutting your time by at least 70%? We’re launching an app at the end of the month to do just that! Would love to stay connected :)
Andrew Noah
After complete my all activites
My girlfriend send me all IG posts from others. But we also do trips ourselves from locations we have wanted to visit
Jasmine Butters
According to money
André J
I don't travel. Too much planing required 😅
Priya Agarwal
@sentry_co Planning is definitely hard! We’re launching an app at the end of the month that will make travel planning so much easier. I would love for you to check it out!
André J
@priya_agarwal15 Traveling used to be simple. It still is, unless something goes wrong. Then you're in a world of trouble.
Shivam Garg
Most of the time it's random
Klaudia Bumgarner
Most of the time it's random
according to my pocket.
I don't plan.
Tom Cruise
When planning my travel adventures, I undertake a meticulous process to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. Initially, I conduct thorough research on the destination, considering factors such as cultural attractions, local cuisine, and historical sites. I then create a flexible itinerary that allows for spontaneity while ensuring I don't miss out on key highlights. In the case of the "Nile Cruise And Red Sea Stay," my planning takes on a more specialized approach. I prioritize booking a Nile Cruise to explore the historic wonders along the Nile River, immersing myself in the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian civilization. Following this enlightening journey, I carve out time for a relaxing stay by the Red Sea, envisioning sun-drenched beaches and vibrant underwater ecosystems. This dual experience promises a harmonious blend of cultural exploration and leisure, creating memories that linger long after the journey concludes.
Audrey Audrey
Planning travel involves considering various factors like budget, time, and preferences. When looking into umrah packages karachi , it's essential to research reputable travel agencies, compare package details, consider accommodation, transportation, and the range of services offered to ensure a fulfilling and smooth pilgrimage experience.
Mike Reeves
Ensuring I have a valid Tourist Visa is a crucial step, as it allows for a smoother and more enjoyable journey, avoiding any unnecessary complications during my exploration.
Audrey Audrey