Mansour Mahamat

How do you manage 9-5 and side hustle?

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Esther Musau
For me personally, it took me years to find peace in my entrepreneurial archetype. I haven’t worked a 9-5 in 7 years and I’m loving it. It is not easy but the flexibility to experiment and iterate on your own project is something fulfilling. But I can’t see why it might not be for everyone
Lenny Jean
If you have no commute problems or don't have to travel hours to reach your office, you can easily manage your side hustles along with your job.
I used to work late at night on my projects.
Diogo Maia Caetano
It's very likely that the 9-5 job might not like it, but for me the solution is to put a hard-stop on the work at 5 and then focus only on the side hustle. Most companies don't say it (although some do, it happened to me) but "the expectancy is for the employer to work extra hours and show initiative and ownership". You will surely burn a lot of bridges by holding your ground on a right you have, but if that side hustle is the thing that drives you and that you want to pursuit, then I think that's the direction you have the follow.
Milli Sen
Find pleasure in what you do consistently and your side hustle will become more like a habit.
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Azra Memisevic
Huh., in my case balancing a 9-5 as a digital marketing manager and being a yoga teacher can be super challenging at times, but also super easy on other days. I manage by prioritizing tasks, scheduling time slots for each role, and leveraging weekends. There isn't a perfect formula, but staying flexible and organized helps.
Joseph Natoli
Sacrifice. The sad truth is that man founders, entrepreneurs, and hustlers lead a lonely life working toward something they believe in. I promote and push for balance, but have spent many nights not hanging out with friends, family, or doing hobbies to work on something else instead. I am not suggesting or encouraging this, but suggesting how it can be managed. Otherwise it's learning personal project management. Use a tool like Click-Up or to actually create personal tasks in addition to professional ones and schedule time to knock them out. It's not sexy, but if you want the hustle to success getting operations in place to focus sooner rather than later is essential.
Gurkaran Singh
Balancing my 9-5 with my side hustle is like juggling code and coffee - it requires focus, energy, and the occasional caffeine boost! How about you, any secret tips for keeping the hustle game strong?
I have been doing this for 10+ years with various levels of success. The hard thing about it is you can't commit 100% to your side hustle without impacting other areas of your life - e.g. family, friends, exercise, health, etc. The best way I found is to try and balance things. Not just on a daily level but also across your life, so you may be very busy for a few months, but then try and pull that back to then focus on other things for a while. Slowly I think you get the hang out it.... the big question for me is how do you transition from 9-5 to full time hustle... this is my goal.
I set aside 1 hour a day on weekdays, but on weekends, I feel really motivated and I'm able to code for like 8-12 hours on a stretch. It helps when it's something you genuinely enjoy or love to do.
Always work at nights when I can. At least another 5 hours