Ijeoma Ndukwe

How do you destress and manage your mental health as a founder?


This morning alone, I've seen posts about productivity during the weekend and questions about what people are working on this weekend. So I wonder if founders rest or chill at all. Do you work until you drop or do you make time for rest and play? How do you care for your mental health?

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Goutham S
Do something stressful outside of work. If you have the resources and the right environment, i'd encourage you to go take flying lessons. Flying can be stressful, but it will make your work life feel less stressful.
Vlad Golub
Founders do rest, we're not robots! For me, I destress by taking long walks, practicing yoga, and indulging in some good old fashioned Netflix binging. Plus, a good meme always helps too.
Recently, I've forced myself to always take a 1-hour walk at night, regardless of how bad or busy things are. There is always friction going into it, but I always come out refreshed mentally afterwards.
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Definitely important! If you're mentally burned out, your game is over or basically "on pause" until you recover. I like to take downtime every day and do something non-screen related.
André J
Just integrate life around whatever passion your focus on. not the other way around. And you'll be fine. Most people don't and get into trouble. It's pretty simple tho.
André J
@aijay Why is it hard to put into practice? IMO it's just a mind shift. But normie mindsets are hard to snap out of.
Janine N
I think as a founder you sometimes don't have a choice. You might be very tired, but you still have to work through the weekend, because let's be real, you probably won't be able to rest if you feel there is still to much on your plate. I think reminding yourself that this is just part of the whole journey helps a lot. Generally though a healthy balance of exercise, nutritious diet and free time activities that bring you joy are key. It sounds boring, but it's true, not only for founders, but for anyone I would say :)
Tracy Williams
Finding a balance between work and personal life is crucial for mental health. Personally, I prioritize regular breaks and leisure activities to unwind. It's essential to set boundaries, practice self-care, and not let work consume every moment. It's also important to take vitamins to maintain health in good condition. I also have to take eroxon gel from here https://www.canadapharmacy.com/p... to deal with my disease.