Yuki Ogino

How do you concentrate when it matters? Any method?


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Haya Tangyan
1. Nice music and good headphones 2. writing down tope 3 tasks 3. coffee or tea ready 4. phone notifications muted 5. 10 minute pauses and small walk or any other activity after every hour
Atsuki Hasegawa
Turn off notifications and drink a cup of coffee.
Yuki Ogino
@atsuki Thanks for sharing! I use a similar method.
Shakir Dzheyranov
- Repetitive downtempo music. - Noise-cancelling headphones. - Calendar day blocked in a way so there's no distraction within 2 hour focus time.
Xavier JJ
@shakir_dzheyranov What type of down tempo music? Lofi or binaural?
Shakir Dzheyranov
@dailyfitnessai If it's ambient or binaural, because of lack of sounds, it gets distracting for me. So i'd pick more lo-fi. Chilled Cow YT channel maybe a good example.
Xavier JJ
@shakir_dzheyranov Cool. Listening to Chilled Cow Lofi now :)
Maria Anosova 🔥
I use Pomodoro Tracker
hayato onodera
-Work standing up -Keep smart phones away
Xavier JJ
@hayato_onodera Ah ha yes, that's why I have a standing table.
Artyom Sviridov
Music helps me concentrate, I listen to it whenever I have the chance. Turning off the notifications, whenever possible, also works wonders.
Charlie Choi
I just naturally concentrate better when it actually REALLY matters 😂 like after procrastinating a bunch
Aurora Guerra
Prioritizing tasks and setting clear goals for the day is a must. Ticking off completed items gives a satisfying sense of accomplishment.
Niko Germish
I believe in discipline - it's the best habit ). Discipline helps you concentrate when it matters. What matters is a different question
Nigel Engel
Drinking coffee and chatting!
Alex Nix
@mrnigelengel where do you chatting? Is it helps you with your focus?
It’s hard, but I found a way out: I set a timer on my smart watch, this allows me not to lose concentration.
Neel Patel
Sip something and put on headphones with known music.
Anjanay Saxena
You practice for it, when it doesn't matter, so that performing when it matters becomes second nature. Your weakest performance during practice, sets the baseline for the worst performance for when it matters. And if you can bring it up, then even YOUR worst performance might outrank who didn't practice as much. Everything else is just a tactic.
Shunsuke Sakata
Take a 15min nap and work again !
Shayan Ali
Turn off notifications, do the task in silence, use Pomodoro Timer, keep track of your progress, turn on rain sounds to reduce background noise. That is all what I do conentrate.
Kimihito Tanaka
Sometimes I go out of my comfortable room and go down to cafe. I often try to change my environment and put myself in public with some nice drink.
Darya Antonyuk
I usually just visualize the consequences of not finishing the task on time. If I see that I can mess things up big time, I start working super fast and effectively
Close your eyes Take off your specs/something important to you- Toss it out (just like in movies)... Open your eyes- see it broken... your mind is now in 100% alert mode (or, concentration mode)
Noise-cancelling headphones (love my jabra evolve) and low-fi music. Nothing beats it for me!
George B. Aleesu
Make sure my environment is properly organized and do away with any noisy destruction.