Akshat Jain

How do you balance between meetings and deep work?


I've found the blocking certain times in my calendar for focused work is the best way. I silence the notifications on my phone, laptop and use the Focus mode on Windows to focus on whatever it is I'm working on. What techniques, tools do you use?

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Ian Williams
Do not be afraid to ask clients to reschedule in a polite way. While they might not always agree, it won't hurt to ask.
If I can I try to make my meetings back to back, and even better if they're mostly on the same day or two of the week
Akshat Jain
Thanks @entreeden! Even I try to schedule my meetings back to back so that I get some uninterrupted time for the rest of the day
Uma Venugopal
Time & Day blocking. Set a specific hours on certain days and finish up all your meetings then. The rest can be used for deep work :)