I found that coming up with a naming for my project was a fun yet challenging process. I wanted a name that was unique, memorable, and reflective of the project's purpose. I spent a lot of time brainstorming words and their meanings, looking for inspiration in different languages and cultures. In the end, I came up with a name that had a deep personal meaning to me.
How about you?
when I was thinking for my no code test automation tool, I wanted to get inspiration from nature, since "green" represents all test passed in tools, so decided for all-time-green being. It is Pine tree. that's how "Testpine" is appeared.
The name of my project, Nova, came for a very specific reason: to reinvent my life. Just like a supernova, which when it explodes generates enormous energy, I wanted the same thing to happen with my life.
I noticed that it sounded good and could be a great meaning for a productivity tool 😃
I had App Finder initially named AppQuery, but then I thought App Finder was much better. I think that it's an obviouos name for what it does, and I was quite lucky that developers of similar products had decided for other names (like AppBrain, AppAgg).
My company Skyica was initially named Scadica. It was also a longer process that led to that name. Skyica stands for nothing specific, but it's intended to sound light and clear. I like it quite much now. What do you think?
I came up with mine while reading.
It didn't take too much effort. It came pretty natural, and I love it.
Pointae - we are a lifecycle marketing agency helping emerging ecommerce brands prioritize customer retention and loyalty to boost lifetime value.
Wanted a name that I could get the URL and business name for. So came up with several options based on relevance to the project then eliminated any that I could not get the .com url or the business name.
But great question to ask.
@busmark_w_nika I try not put myself in this situation but I would try get something that is not a .com or if not too expensive I would buy the domain. It all depends on the situation.
I usually first envision my product for the long term mission and then, try to re-phrase the simple word which comes to my mind with some unique word by searching (and nowadays ChatGPTing :p).
Eg. for my recent project, I envisioned a platform where everyone can get started with AI in a very simple and less-distracted way, so, finally got with ainave. here, nave is short for navigate which translates to tag line as: Navigate the world of AI with ease.
Nowadays i run it with chatgpt. I also have a mood board with keywords and then run more insporation with chatGPT. Then I'd poll a couple names with our users to see which one they like (we did that when we were renaming the company). Although some marketing exprts have told me that asking ur users what ur name should be is a horrible idea...
another thing i'd say is that your target group is important. The side project that we are launching on ph is called seedhustle. Ususally hustling means work and have a negative connotation to it, but because we are targeting AI founders on the relatively young side, hustle is a good term in my generation. I think it polled well with our potential users.
It’s important to do a google search as many of your ideas may be taken. Do a domain name search too - is there one available that works? Is it easy to spell? We went through a lot of name ideas before we came up with ElevenAmped. It inspired by the movie Spinal Tap - if you can turn your amp up to 11, why not your business?
App Finder
App Finder
REI Litics
REI Litics