@falak_sher Actionable love it, Will create a checklist
I'm currently on 337 users so far I've used Twitter and Referrals
How do i get on Software review sites?
Also How do i do Quora marketing?
For context i run NFT Hunt: https://nfthunt.softr.app/
@repreneur just submit your site to software review sites like G2, Getapp, SaaS Hub etc.
For quora marketing, use Q-stats extension and answer questions with good monthly traffic.
@falak_sher This is a great ready reckoner to answer the question at hand. Hey Guys i am the founder of WebsitesToolz we recently launched on PH. We just launched on AppSumo. Do check out our PH page for link to AppSumo.
Not sure about customers being partners in the mission but without a customer base, you don’t have a business but a hobby. This holds true for any kind of product or service. Similar being the case for a blog, which is just another page on a server without a reader base. Is thereby important to think about how to get the first 1000 customers. This is just a number and could be 100 as well !!
Why 1000 customers?
Despite being a key aspect of building something, product/tech-oriented founders discount the distribution aspect of building. The emphasis on a product and what it can do becomes such a big-time sink that very little focus goes on acquiring the first set of customers.
Not thinking about the problem, often results in situations where we end up building something which is not needed by the market or building a product for a small market. Without getting to the first 1000 customers and understanding their usage behaviour, it’s difficult to tell if we have product-market fit.
Once you get 1000 people to try out your product and if a sizeable chunk of them continue to use the product beyond a month. You know that you have some kind of product market fit.
This retention percentage will vary by the industry and the kind of business. For B2B SAAS, the monthly churn is supposed to be low, around ~2%, so that yearly churn is somewhere around 25%. The same number for consumer market is lot more lenient. The number being around 65% monthly retention for something like FB. This is an awesome video by YC here.
User Persona
How to Create a User Persona (with Examples) | CleverTap
The first step to acquiring customers is to figure out the exact specifics of who, they are. You are trying to answer some of these questions?
What are the demographics?
What are their goals?
Where do they live?
What places do they hangout ?
What is the typical lingo ?
A good idea about your user base helps in the next step of reaching out to them. This clarity in terms of the user base is needed to be able to work upon the next step of reaching out to the customer base.
Depending on the feedback and until, product-market fit is achieved, this user base can be iterated upon. As we better understand our user base and likely customer base, the easier it is to build the distribution.
Where does my customer hangout ?
The next step to identify all channels or areas where this user base hangouts. The next step being present in those areas and just going about doing the raw hustle.
While, it depends on where your customers hangout but there are broadly, two categories. Online and Offline. High end products or services are only present in rich neighbourhoods. Online requires similar approach and thought process.
Some very popular channels or areas with a community of like minded people where they are active
Reddit Community: Lots of homogenous groups of people with similar interest. Tightly controlled by mods and strict community conditions.
FB Groups: Another popular hangout zone for like-minded people. From real estate search in cities to coupon hunters. Much easier to post and grow.
Online Forums: Lots of online forums have a similar experience as above and good to reach people.
Twitter: Another place to find early adopters and like-minded people. One of the best platforms for early distribution building.
Youtube: This is another medium that has a collection of influencers and their cult-like
Quora: Another Q/A platform and still very popular space to find out answers to some really interesting questions.
Now that we kinda of have an idea about who the customer is and where they happen to hangout. Most of these good quality communities have high moderation which is what makes the community great. Thereby, the approach to reach to people has to be more nuanced and paced correct.
The next step is to figure out the way to reach out to them. Though, we have listed a bunch of communities/forums. It’s not easy to promote or pitch our product/solution.
Distribution Channels
These are some of the ways to go about building this distribution. In the early days, it’s better to brute force things and doing organic reach. This helps in figuring out what works and also keep an eye on product-market fit.
Quora/Reddit/Online Forums: Great place to build reputation using answers and deep dives. Since you end up answering specific questions, the user traffic is high quality. Important to provide value and maybe don’t even share a link. Just have a product link on user profile and if the answer is well done, people will show up.
Reddit Question
Twitter/FB: These two are more simpler in the sense that, they need a more high volume but probably light touch content. The traffic will be more but not necessarily the correct fit.
Twitter Analytics
Youtube/Blogs: Evangelising part of the equation. This could be self-owned as well as borrowed through partnerships and deals with others. Very useful for deep tech products which need good explanation and context for people to get. Influencer marketing done right can be a huge moat.
Google/FB Ads: The default way to reach people is to just go after and buy traffic using Ads. But to be done right, this needs a lot more homework.
Very easy to burn money without knowing what you are doing.
Start small and with a defined CPC to keep tight control and then slowly increase it.
Email Marketing: Highly effective but a slow process. Emphasises the need to have the emails of your potential customers. Given Amazon SES and other tools, incredibly cheap as well.
The big challenge with reputation management.
Take time to build the base up
Great way to engage the first 1000 customers
Engineering for Marketing Simple tool or interesting one-pager which solves a simple problem or has something which intrigues users and gets them to register/signup.
Webinars: Talk about the problems being solved and also those adjacent to your target audience. Helps build a feedback channel as well also understand the customer language well. Live webinars are an outstanding way to build a strong personal and emotional connection with the brand.
Lots of hustle required. Multiple channels but figure out which work for you and concentrate on the first 2-3 to get the early base of users. No need to get the systems or productisation done yet.
These are some the interesting tools, that have proven to be useful.
WordPress + Self Hosting: Great way to get started on blogs with self-hosting. Made a huge difference in site speed.
Mobile Performance
Amazon SES + Wrapper: The way to scale emailing operations and cheap is to use. Works out to be $1 for 10,000 mails. This works beyond the first 1000 customers.
Backend Analytics: Besides the obvious google analytics. Have a backend analytics tracker for users. This will help in prioritising, whom to call.
@abhinav_unnam1 Thank you so much for taking the time to give such a helpful and qualified response. Insightful comments like yours really make me appreciate the platform more ;)
Our team at Gossip (https://thegossip.app) is constantly working with content creators to deliver fun and engaging short voice stories to our gossipers - we got to firt 1k users by doing collaborations with creators (mostly TikTok)
Buy customers in bulk, Get up close and personal, Don’t confront competitors directly , Go where the customers are, Get to know your customers, Adopt non-scalable tactics , Use technology wisely and many more steps.
@drakekwak Can you maybe give some more insights on how you nurture organic growth? Just engaging in FB groups? For our specific product, organic only seems to work on linkedin, for instagram ads proved to be somewhat successful. FB however is dreading, but to be fair, we were not active in groups that much
@felicitashilge Ah, My recommendation is for the early stage startups who are now recruiting first target users. I think organic growth is the main clue that you are solving customers' real pain. So at first I don't prefer to do instagram ads. Fb is now somewhat dead but the group is the only active feature in FB. there are specific potential users with defined persona, interest. So I recommend you just share not ad like post, but a real user testimonial and user case at FB groups. I gained first 1000 users via this strategy even I'm servicing SaaS. This is just a personal opinion.(Disclaimer)
For couple of months at Truepush.com , we tried reaching out to founders and media houses in person but it did not work out well. We randomly posted on our product on product hunt without knowing how well it's going to work for us. we got 400 signups in a day. and it kick started our cycle. We then went into websites like Bestalist.co etc,. and with in first couple of weeks we crossed 1000 users who signed up with us. Of course, not every one would use the product but our conversion funnel was decent even at the start. Probably it was the right platform at the right time for us.
First friends, then to communities your part of, then through joining communities, having discussions and writing about why you are working on what you are working. Then through launching on sites like PH.
Joining specific FB forums and including references to my app and screenshots in the conversations worked for me (1-100).
Also AppStore organic search (100-1000+).
I'm now trying AppStore advertising.
For Price2Spy (price2spy.com)
1-100 some old customers + recommendations
100 - 500 google organic + social networks + recommendations
500 - 1000 - all of the above + google ads + many SaaS directories + affiliate programs
@repreneur Not sure about your product. There are different strategies for B2B and B2C. First target first 10 customers through outreach if you are a B2B solution. Find out people matching the persona and reach them either on Social media or email. Content creation is going to help you establish a trustworthy band and will help you in long term. Or you can try using influencers as well.
Với sự bùng nổ của công nghệ, số lượng Khách hàng có nhu cầu Vay tiền ngày càng tăng nhanh, vì vậy những ai muốn trải nghiệm Vay Tiền Nhanh Online nên Đăng ký với VayHay vì tính tiện lợi và ưu điểm vượt trội.
VayHay hỗ trợ bạn Vay Tiền Nhanh đơn giản và thanh toán linh hoạt tại nhà thay vì phải đi ra các ngân hàng để làm thủ tục hoặc các kênh tài chính khác.
Hãy đến với VayHay ngay hôm nay tại https://www.diigo.com/profile/va...
Máy lạnh giấu trần ống gió Mitsu Heavy FDUM125CR-S/FDC125CR-S
Mã sản phẩm: FDUM125CR-S/FDC125CR-S
Giá: 35.800.000 vnđ
Xuất xứ: Thái lan
Hãng sản xuất: Máy lạnh Mitsubishi Heavy
Công suất: 5 ngựa | 5.0 hp
Bảo hành: 2 năm
At Team Tracker the first few where close friends who used it for free and provided feedback.
After that we reached out to the rest of our friends and previous companies we worked at (one by one, not bulk messages) offering to either demo it to them or send them a link to a demo environment.
Been trying cold emails/LinkedIn approaches but while they are driving traffic to the site they aren't yielding many leads or signups (something thats on a list of things to look at).
In the UK most cities have chamber of commerce who organise events which we're going to joining.
Great question @repreneur, Focus on getting your first 10 super users, who will adopt your product quickly, share straightforward feedback and get your next 100 super users and other low-affinity users. Before you get them, you need to clear and define your ideal user profile. How do you get these 10? 1. Through social nurturing, 2. Real engagements and 3. Paying it forward. This always works great. Solve for 10, it has network and multiplier effects!
Product Hunt Launch Checklist
AI With Vibes
Product Hunt Launch Checklist
Infinity Maps
AI With Vibes
Compass Calendar
Doda Tool
Infinity Maps
Doda Tool
Infinity Maps
Truepush for Shopify
Limpet - easy links and snippets
Company 360
AI With Vibes
Team Tracker