i think prescriptions hardly work. it's all so nuanced anyways.
so where online did you find your first 10 users and what was your growth curve like? if you had one.
By reaching out in relevant online communities, word of mouth helped too—friends and early users shared the product. Growth is slow at first, but as users started spreading the word and I received feedback, things picked up!
@mehvish_shafiq right on, thanks for sharing Mehvish! how do you strike a balance online of not over-promoting and offending the senses of people in communities like this? haha
We acquired our earliest users through a combination of personal outreach and leveraging Product Hunt. Tapping into my personal network allowed us to gather valuable feedback and refine the product early on. Getting into the community on Product Hunt helped us gain visibility and attract early adopters genuinely interested in exploring new tools.
This blend of personal connections and public exposure was instrumental in building initial momentum. However, the downside is that scaling through these channels is challenging. While we’ve maintained steady growth, it hasn’t been exponential, which is something we’re continuously working on.
@felix_sattler thanks for sharing, Felix! what does getting into the Product Hunt community look like in action? "promoting" is a fine balance in these communities. but, of course it's useful to.