It’s easy to become frustrated when you’re trying to concentrate but just can’t. This can lead to stress and irritation, which tends to make focusing on what you need to do even more of a distant dream. How can you overcome this?
I use a Pomodoro app to get away from my phone and listen to music while I'm working. Definitely taking a walk or riding a bike at night also helps me deal with stress.
Doing Meditation every day without a miss, creating one additional hobby eg. sports and focusing on work rather than goals helped me to concentrate better. Before starting a new task, make sure you equip yourself with the below four essentials. That helped me to handle new, difficult tasks
- Tools
- Skills
- Clear objective and
- TImeline
I think the focus is on what we need to improve memory concentration. Still, we are surrounded by distractions and daily consumption of quick media which affect our memory. What we can do is limit our media consumption which helps us improve memory concentration.
For me, my work has become, to some extent, a way of life. Every day I get more and more into it. And there is no need to be constantly stressed. Work for me has become something like air or food. When we breathe or eat, we do not concentrate on it and do not strain because of it.
I think it requires practicing... Maybe even by simple memory games or making a small tasks for own self daily in order to improve memory.
Do you remember time before smartphones or even mobile phones?
When I was young, we were bragging who knows more numbers, songs, poems, stories or ruts by heart... Nowadays we rely so much on technology, on the ''ask google'' way, and internet in general... Our memory became so fragile, and our concentration very often uncatchable...
There are a lot of ways about how to improve the memory. Actually it is not a big deal to do it with best memory app that is a special app that is helping with how to perform it. There you can easily make your memory work on you. I can easily suggest such an option.