
Hey people! What do you think about digital transformation? 😊

Nowadays, digital transformation is starting to rule over and drive all sectors of our lives. It is sneaking into all fields – from education to the actions on-site, intending to provide us with greeter good and efficient development. But, these facts also increase the potential risks. And put in danger our valuable data. What do you think about it? Are you supporting the digitalization of each sphere of functions? We are a generation that follows up the whole process of development - how do you feel about it? Are you scared or excited? Do you miss ''old ways''?

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Abhay Tyagi
1- Leaders don’t know whose bullshit to believe. The IT sector pretend it’s all to do with technology (usually the box to tricks they’re selling) and so publish frequently in the hope that you “transform your business by moving to the cloud”. Most mainstream IT advice will at best create operational efficiencies but not transform the organisation. Marketing agencies will tell you that it’s all about innovation. Design Thinking, Human Centred Design, Sprints, Lean, The Customer Experience Blah Blah Blah. Europes largest airline, Ryanair went from €0 to €5.8B turnover as a digital business having spent €16K on ‘innovation and web design’. There is more than one way to create competitive advantage; many digital agencies and marketing companies fail to approach digital transformation from a business model perspective. Management consultants will tell you little unless you’ve paid for it, but what they do say is that if you hire them they’ll fix all of your business problems (maybe) in the ‘digital economy’ and they alone have the best analytics, metrics, methods and people. All of these services are needed, none of them on their own is the solution to creating new competitive advantage and growth. So where to start? 2-Leaders Need to Upgrade Their Thinking. They can’t outsource “transformation”. It’s probably the single biggest challenge of their career. A digital transformation course is a good starting point for them and their leadership team. 3-Leaders Need To Start Using Digital Transformation Frameworks. Old frameworks were simply ‘how-to lists’, basic guides, a way to frame thinking. These new frameworks use AI and data to predict the chance of success of a strategy before implementing. They guide business models, spot market opportunity, measure competitors strengths and weaknesses empirically and much more. To not use a modern framework to create a modern strategy is like using a paper map when you’ve Google Maps on your phone. 4-An Understanding of Technology isn’t Necessary But What It Can Do Is. Those simply ‘doing digital’, building websites and engagement on social media and expecting to grow in the future are doomed. Those adopting new technologies when facing competitive forces will survive. Those that innovate leveraging technologies that maximise their existing market position will thrive. Forgive me, point 4 is a really a summary of points 1,2 and 3.
Ira GI
The digital age is a great achievement. But I agree with you that there are many risks in data protection. + the current situation in the world affects the fact that the data about each person cannot be confidential. The most important thing is to save your information on your own, store it in several sources and, if possible, have a handwritten form.)
@ira_gi We are of one mind! :) Do you think that people are generally aware of the rise of that risks, in the middle of technological growth, and digitalization? :o
Anil Meena
Definitely Excited about the way we are moving toward new technology... I understand with Digital transformation we'll see more & more advancement in every sector as well as danger & increase in potential risk... But I think that's part of the cycle...
@anil_meena21 I agree! It is a great adventure, spiced with obstacles, but I believe that by finding ways to overcome all occurred risks - we are really growing as humanity... ^_^