1st one looks better for a niche audience -- who already know what is Gitbook.
2nd one (with some tweak) for an audience with less context -- 'Create doc websites powered by Notion'
Who is your audience? What is the benefit to them?
Are they familiar with Gitbook AND Notion?
Are they familiar with what a "public docs website" is?
If answer to both question 2 and 3 is a resounding yes, then option 1
Else, rethink
@kkumarkg My niche is startups with saas products that needs a docs website and already use Notion. Not sure if all of them know about GitBook (and if they know they would need to migrate off it), i think it's better not mentioning it
I got the idea of "GitBook on top of Notion" from other products calling themselves "Figma for video" or "Figma for devops" but gitbook is not that popular.