Start small! If you choose to create something that turns out to be out of your league to launch, you will never get the reward of exposing your creation, and you will never get the positive reinforcement to keep going.
Start small, and launch it. That way you will learn where the difficulties are, what your qualities are, and you will get the satisfaction of seeing your creation out there. From there, you can take it as you see fit :)
You don't have to always create your own! Curating and sharing others content is a great way to connect with your audience, partner with others, and save some time from creating content from scratch! (Always credit others and link back!)
@leojbarnett It's October 24th, 2001. You're 19 and you don't know much but you know you love music. Your backpack is full of shattered CD cases and scratched CDs, most of them are even are in the wrong case. You're running across the intersection and the "Don't Walk" sign starts flashing red. Your CD walkman is skipping again during the chorus of your favorite song "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz. You see two store across the street with big signs in their windows. One says "The new Apple iPod" and the other says "1000 songs in your pocket".
You say to yourself "Wow 1000 songs in my pocket?" and you dash into the 2nd store. The salesman greets you at the door. "1000 songs" you say as you catch your breath. He hands you a small white box that says 'iPod" whatever that means. You pay and the counter and your whole life changes. You will always remember this day.
Lesson 1: Solve your customers problems
Lesson 2: Nobody cares about your product or company (sorry)
Lesson 3: People love stories with a positive character arc
@futch_ Love this Futch. Thank you!
I was fully transported and Clint Eastwood IS a favourite song.
Always start with the problem.
Brb... Gonna go find my iPod!
"Rhythm, you have it or you don't, that's a fallacy, i'm in them"
Just don't give up.
Set milestones and work towards reaching them. Don't quit until you reach the last one.
Stop only if you are 100% you tried everything and failed.
Invest in relationships online.
Don't just think of every conversation as a transaction. Genuinely help others and be a part of their journey.
They'll remember you and that bond goes a long way.
Be consistently trying new things until something shows real signs of life.
Then double down on it 100 times because you can milk one good piece of content many times, and it helps you grow a lot. Just mix in a few other things in between so it's not the same msg after itself every single time.
Most people who grow quickly write the simplest things (that aren't new, exciting, nor interesting) 100 times. Long as your format is good, your reading level is not too high, and the language is positive, it's got a shot!
Good luck!
Don't hustle through creative slumps, and make sure you establish a routine. Having a dedicated time and space for creating content has been a game changer, rather than waiting on "inspiration"/
Don't think about your launch on a linear way. Keep throwing things on social media, it'll be empty first but you'll get traction earlier. Remember you don't fail, you learn.
1. Instead of writing content from templates, write about your experiences, your learnings and your failures. You will make new friends instead of dead followers.
2. Focus on community building. Community support is priceless.
When you aren't creating for a specified audience, you are creating for yourself.
It takes time to build a connection with any community if you are new on any platform except Tiktok and Instagram if you are hot.
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