What small health change(s) made a big difference for you?
Some that have helped me:
- Using a standing desk
- Using aromatherapy (e.g. diffusers like lavender)
Knowing the secret of frankincense oil, you can achieve a stunning effect. But it is important to use a high-quality product. Aroma Market offers synthetic analogues at a low price. They contain alcohol and other additives. Such oil only resembles the original by smell. Treatment will be effective when using natural aroma products. Here you can always find the best Frankincense oil for yourself.
- I complete my 10k steps every day.
- I watch an episode on Netflix with lunch to get my mind off things.
- Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine
- Indoor plants not only improve air quality but also can boost your mood and productivity.
- Take short breaks every hour to stretch and walk around. This can reduce the risk of muscle stiffness and eye strain.
- going to the gym almost everyday to make sure I go out a bit
- choosing an hour to text my friends to not feel isolated
- taking time to cook good food cuz "you are what you eat"
One small health change that made a big difference for me is incorporating short stretching exercises throughout the day. It really helps with my posture and overall comfort during long hours at the desk.
When working from home, share your work hours, use 'Do Not Disturb' signs or a closed door, and set clear boundaries for increased productivity and reduced stress.
I worked remotely all throughout COVID and some of my health hacks were:
- morning walks (even if it's 10-15 minutes)
- eating breakfast. i found that morning fuel would help me going for longer
- limiting coffee and/or switching to matcha. I drank so many cups of coffee and def wasn't good for me
- bought a standing desk! stood up for meetings to be on my feet more
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Maika AI
Huudle AI Project Assistant