Iren from FirstHR

Have you ever pivoted your product?

Have you ever had to make a pivot of your product? Share your experience.

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Sell your innovative ideas at Alynova. Sell your expertise video tutorials or fabricated unique products. Whether it's mastering the guitar, achieving success in gardening, cooking with a twist, or solving everyday home issues, your knowledge has the power to inspire and benefit others. At Alynova, it's easy and straightforward to showcase your talents and make a difference.
Nick from FirstHR
I can confidently say that pivoting is much more sensible than banging your head against the wall with no results.
Lauren Godwin
@nickanisimov Agreed - most of the unicorn startups pivoted (Airbnb, Slack, YouTube, you name it)
Launching soon!
Yes 100% I have many times and I think it's a good thing to know how and when to do it because if you don't see the value and you wouldn't pay for something yourself you can't expect anyone else to so if you realise and you don't pivot it's just a matter of time before it fails but yes I love it because you learn alot from everytime you need to do it.
Sergey Glukhov
We’ve always focused on AI to improve conversion rates. Products like translation are pivots but stay within the same general idea. Now, we have six AI solutions that automatically optimize conversion rates.