Eylül Danışman

Have you created images or texts on AI Generators before?

Hello Hunters, Currently, I am interested in AI-generate platforms. These products can produce both visual and text. In particular, I got a very serious performance on writing production. I did not have much difficulty in specifying the keyword or text type on platforms that produce AI supported texts. But I had difficulty in typing prompts in visual production. I had questions such as where to start, how to make the prompt detailed. Have you generated images or texts on AI generate platforms before? What did your experience?

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Edoardo Bevilacqua
Hi! some tools such as Dall-e already helps you by adding some information to your prompt, for other tools such as Stable Diffusion you can find brilliant examples on Google. Try this link: https://mpost.io/best-100-stable...
Eylül Danışman
@edoardo_bevilacqua Thank you for your answer. We also worked on a product related to this. We launched today. We would be very happy if you would like to support us. :) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Edoardo Bevilacqua
@eylul_danisman done! Your product looks very useful! 👏
Neri Raanani
Dall E is mind-blowing for generating digital images. Use Google, Tiktok, and Instagram, to search for tips on how to get the best results.
Eylül Danışman
@neri_raanani I actually looked at these platforms. I even found prompts on platforms such as reddit and twitter. It's so new that it takes research for inspiration. For what purpose did you try Dall-E? Random visuals or for your business?
Neri Raanani
@eylul_danisman Yup it takes time to learn how to work with it and achieve desired results. I used it for both :)
Eylül Danışman
@neri_raanani Today we launched a product that contains more than 300 prompt tags and we can easily write your prompts. We would be very happy if you would like to support us. :) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Philip Snyder
Yeah - been playing with gpt3 - Most of the time it works really well, haven't encountered any issues.
Eylül Danışman
@philipsnyder Yes! Philip I agree with you. What platforms have you tried?
Eylül Danışman
Today we launched a product that contains more than 300 prompt tags and we can easily write your prompts. We would be very happy if you would like to support us. :) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Rich Watson
I was blown away when I seen Midjourney's discord bot doing these AI generated images
Eylül Danışman
@richw You are so right, so excited! I am constantly generating images. :) So, have you tried typing the prompt when creating the image? Did you experience any difficulties?