It hasn't slowed down. The feeling of little or no growth is a testament to how integrated AI has become in such a short time.
More people understand some form of AI at its core instead of it just being an "it will turn on us one-day" thought.
Customer support chatbots, code generators and such are not as sexy for the media to hype up.
Some of the most obvious areas like "customer support chat bots for your website" have become very saturated and so it's a lot harder now to get users on something like that.
That said, I think there is still a long way to go before the value we can generate through AI really plateaus.
Nope. At least like a fad. It's just a perspective. People are getting used to the changes. On the other end, innovation takes time. And we have seen a major level of updates wrt AI. Until we see the next big thing, we are not going to see another big hype. That said, the growth hasn't slowed down for sure.
Reminds me of what Sam Altman said about AI - "People are overestimating what AI can do in the next few years and underestimating what AI can do in the next few decades.".
I found there's definitely some fatigue from investors and founders/customers when there's too much force-feeding of AI.
Personally, the best applications I've seen are from proven, standalone products that amplify their value using gen AI (i.e. Notion AI)
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