For an early-stage startup, I think it's vital for candidates to bring motivation and initiative. The early stages are when employees must demonstrate grit and if they have this motivation for success, then it makes a world of difference for the professional trajectory of both employee and the company.
Empathetic. I think whether you’re building a product or just working with others. The ability to put yourself in others people shoes and think outside of your own reality is a very important trait to have.
Personally, I would look for candidates that are hungry and aspirational. These people usually have the highest ceilings and will be passionate about growing with you.
There is no one correct response to this question. For some, a candidate's experience is everything. Others will prioritize their interpersonal abilities. There's nothing wrong with having varied criteria for what we seek in a job prospect. At the same time, it's essential to recognize that many of the characteristics we look for in a potential employee are personality traits rather than abilities or expertise.
Grit, or mental fortitude. A lot of times this manifests this self as "drive", "resourcefulness" or "passion", but imo these things stem from having a "never give up" type of attitude.
Depends on the role and types of business, but generally, it's great when a person is thirsty for knowledge and sees how they bring value to people with what they're doing. That can re-inspire them when they're not feeling very motivated