Jareer Samad

Finding early adopters

I am starting a newsletter where I will be sharing actionable strategies to improve all stages of customer journey funnel. From finding product market fit to getting first few customers for the startup to driving conversion and overall business growth. Here goes the first edition For any innovation to reach the mainstream market, it has to be adopted by a small subset of people known as early adopters Early adopters are known for their willingness to take risks, try out innovative solutions and explore emerging trends. Characteristics of early adopter: Have the problem Know they have the problem Actively seeking a solution Ask yourself : Where do people who want to solve the problem you are trying to solve, discuss the problem and desired solution? There are tons of places on Internet to mine for such customer insights 1.Social media 2.Reviews on Amazon and Play Store / App Store for competing products 3.Any niche forum relevant to the problem space Before targeting a broad customer base, take time to understand the needs of these early adopters. It will save a lot of time and headache later on. That's it for today. I would love to know your feedback. I write on https://jareer.substack.com/

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Henry Sipchen
Great advice!