
Few days to launch and we are not ready. Shall I postpone?


It was a lot on my plate lately, from preparing to startup competition to being solo mom of 3 toddles and, honestly, I didn’t have time to work on presentation, demo, etc. Is it too bad if I postpone it?

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Faisal Ishaque
I'll share my experience. I scheduled my launch and then postponed it multiple times. One fine morning I started getting notifications like. Person A upvoted your product, and Person B left a comment on your product. Turns out, I had forgotten to reschedule the launch 😂. I was in a frenzy that whole day and as expected our product didn't feature in the top products. At the end of the day, I was glad the product was launched. I was never here to get a badge. I was here for validation. I received organic responses from people who genuinely believed in the product. There were comments from people who loved the MVP and were excited about the future releases. So it really depends upon what is your end goal with the launch. If it is to be on the top, then you must prepare for it. If it is to get a proof of concept then just launch. You can always relaunch after 6 months or after making significant updates to the product. I hope this response helps you in some ways. All the best!