By tracking my blood sugar with active glucose monitoring, I've learned how different foods affect my energy throughout the day. This helps me figure out the best times to work, exercise, and rest. It's a personalized approach to match my daily schedule with my body's natural energy patterns.
Absolutely the morning! I tried waking up three hours before my baby (yes, around 5 am!), and surprisingly, it works! This allows me to tackle the most urgent tasks and get things done. Sure, I've adjusted my bedtime to be earlier, but considering I used to spend my evenings casually, I've essentially gained three extra hours of productive time.
I've noticed I'm most effective in the early morning, when the world is quiet and my mind is fresh after a good night's sleep. It's that serene time before the daily hustle begins that I find my creative peak.
Mostly night, from 10 pm to 2 am, but i can be productive even in the morning, the worst time of the day is usually the afternoon, I always feel very tired