NJ Robb

Education or Experience?

When it comes to building your team/selecting a founder, what maters most to you?

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Dora Dor
I believe that both are important. For example, I had both work experience and a university degree. Studying was difficult and I often turned to https://lastminutewriting.com/ for help. Also, I worked for a while in different companies and it helped me in the future. It seems to me that experience will help more than education, but this is my personal opinion
Marvin Mändle
Experience. When I compare my skillset of two years startup to the skillset of 3 years bachelors degree, I would always choose experience.
KC Onrade
Experience. It's different when you have done it firsthand not just based on theory. And as they say, experience is the best teacher. :)
Julia Engelsmann
I think both is important. But i believe a little bit more in experience. I like to study, but a lot from what i learn is a little bit irrelevant.