Misha Krunic

Does the weather affect your productivity?

It may sound like a strange topic, but recently I've started to notice something. While there's bad weather outside, the coziness of my office or home (depending on where I'm working from) feels so good and I think makes me more productive! And on the other hand, when the weather is nice, I occasionally feel the need to step outside and enjoy it for a bit. Have you noticed anything similar?

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Richard Chlenov
I usually have a hard time working when the house is cold. I can't stand the cold at all, winter is the most intolerable time of the year for me. Last winter was a complete horror for me, I didn't want to do anything. Thanks to my father, he decided to get me some radiators. They really saved me. We ordered wall radiators from here.
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
Yes! If it's too hot or too cold, I just can't concentrate.
weather also has a huge impact on me, but a kinda the opposite ☀️ I don't mind the temperature, but it should be sunny. Dark, cloudy weather is a huuuge productivity kill for me. That much, that 6 years ago I made a conscious choice to move to a sunnier country. I guess everyone should learn how their mind and body react to different weather conditions, and this knowledge can be totally used to improve performance and boost productivity.
Misha Krunic
@johnnyfekete Interesting! I really like your decision to act on it and move to a place more suitable for you! Good luck!