Business Marketing with Nika

Does live-streaming of the PH launch really helps?

I often see this tactic on X (where you can create and host your Live Space) + on YouTube. 🎥 I think that the very first time I saw it when @_maxblade was streaming. Then more and more people started doing it. IMO, it is a good tactic when you have a powerful fanbase/community on a certain platform. Do you think it is a "strong invitation" to participate in upvoting? What other (unusual) tactics can help?

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I think it can actually be effective, especially if you have an engaged audience on platforms like X or YouTube. For Wisery's launch today (, we didn’t go that route since we don’t have a big community on those platforms yet, but it’s something we’d consider in the future. As for whether it’s a strong “invitation” to upvote—well, it’s a bit tricky. I think it’s more about driving awareness and engagement, but Product Hunt might see it as a request for upvotes, which isn’t allowed. So, I wonder if anyone here successfully used live-streaming for a launch without crossing that line?
Business Marketing with Nika
@oksana_ch It seems that it is more relevant when you are a big YouTube and Twitter creator. People naturally within your community go support you.
@busmark_w_nika yes, true. we are working on our channels on YouTube (for other projects though), but unfortunately, we can't be considered as BIG creators (at least for now)
Kay Kwak
Launching soon!
Live streaming is a great way to grab people's attention and attract new users. However, I'm not sure if it directly leads to more upvotes. That being said, considering recent trends, live streaming is definitely one of the effective methods.
Business Marketing with Nika
@kay_arkain At least, you can have publicity when nothing else. :D
Alex Bradley
Launching soon!
This sounds like a really good way to expand your reach, I assume it would require a good audience number on the streaming platforms you chose to get any traction?
Business Marketing with Nika
@alex_bradley6 TBH, I haven't tried it yet, but people who were streaming on Twitter were like 4000+ followers.
Lamont Justus
Yeah, without having a community around your product, it might not be that fruitful.