I believe it's always a question of personal ambition.
Everyone is playing a game:
1/ Status
2/ Money
3/ Power
Understand what each employee which, then adapt the recognition you give to what they want.
Definitely, recognition is a powerful motivator. When employees feel valued, they're likely to put in more effort. But it's not just about throwing a 'Employee of the Month' certificate their way, it should be genuine and consistent. @hamza_afzal_butt
It's not a silver bullet solution. Good pay, work-life balance, and a positive work environment are equally important. I've seen some companies using platforms.
It does, but it must be true recognition. Just having a program in which recognition is only intended for boosting morale won't work for very long 😉
Yes, recognition acts as a motivation for the employee
Employee recognition has the potential to significantly enhance employee dedication and performance, fostering a positive work culture and motivating individuals to excel.
I think it is just a good business practice to highlight employees' work. It creates a positive work environment and helps boost morale - however, I do not think it is the biggest motivator or increases willingness to work until it is a larger reflection of company culture.