Vasilina Leushina

Do you write a blog?


Hi guys! So do you write a blog for your personal community/audience building or for promoting your startup's brand? If yes which platforms lead to the best conversions? And why? We, on Surfaces.One, provide a lot of interviews with our customers and have the next statistics: - Medium: good, but you cant operate with your subscribers' emails. - Substack: powerful, but ways to show info about you as an expert or about your company is a bit limited - Blog on own domain: great solution but required a lot of integration and maintenance: publishing platform + email services, CMS On Surfaces.One we try to make the writing and audience-building experience as easy and seamless as possible - your thoughts will help us a lot!

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masaru kita
I would have Blog on own domain! In order to keep track of all our users, we want to keep the blog within our control! It's definitely a lot of work to maintain, but if you want to make some kind of deal out of it, this is the way to go! If you just want to increase your exposure, you can use an external service, though! Unlike owned media, it doesn't take long for the influx to accelerate! I'm sorry for my bad English.
Vasilina Leushina
As we can catch, important points for audience building writing tool are: - easy-to-create and easy-to-share mini landings with opt-in forms - newsletter feature - "About" page - contacts of user or company - blog functionality
Derek Duban
I want to blog and plan to eventually, but the problem I have with it, as silly as it is, is that I feel pressured to make them really really long for SEO purposes. I follow SEO techniques and they say you need 2000 words or at least 1500 and golly gee, how do you do that on a regular basis? so if I write shorter ones than that I feel I'm wasting my time, and to make them that long is a bit of trial. I will note that "wasting my time" here means that if I'm only writing them for seo/promotional purposes. When I have a user base, my blog posts will have a different purpose.
Amanda Trincher
Yes, I run a business blog to increase visibility and website traffic. Also, think about different automation solutions. I am currently testing one automatic blog generator, for a personal blog, and I want to understand how effective it can be for the company's business tasks.