Do you use other platforms (Reddit, Discord, X)?

I use X and PH only

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I've been using a lot discord and linkedin
priyanka prasad
I have been using X, Reddit, LinkedIn & Facebook groups as well
@priyanka_prasad5 What's your secret for not angering Redditors?
priyanka prasad
@jgani Oh I have had brick bats a lot of times but guess knowing what that target audience wants is helpful I recently asked why do people hang out on reddit and this is the responses I got
Jerry Zhang
@priyanka_prasad5 any advice on facebook group. I'm so confused about facebook groups. I don't know how can I get my client on that
Sean Thomas
@priyanka_prasad5 @hacksman I'd be interested in this too - I've never really quite had a handle on how people use FB groups as a form of marketing. What are you objectives when you join these groups? What are the rules of engagement? How do you measure effectiveness? etc...
Viola Schoell
I use reddit and discord, but discord only for private use
@viola_s You mean you only use Discord with family/friends?
Ted Schaefer
X and PH, but i want to expand to YouTube... need to just get started.
Indiehackers is a great alternative
@jgani ProductHunt prioritizes in discovering products and facilitating discussions around innovation and technology. Indiehackers focus more on the startup journey, sharing insights on entrepreneurship and long form content. Currently I am engaging on content I am interested in (mainly growth - tech tips) and share content based on my PM experience
Ruben Boonzaaijer
I've been active on X lately
Oleg Tagobitsky
Tried to use Reddit (first of all for marketing - my fault) - and was banned :( Using now: LinkedIn, X, Instagram, Threads, Facebook, Medium
X of course. I need the quick and professional information on stock market. there are a lot of official financial media account, they post most recent news
Konrad S.
X, Reddit. No success with Threads.
I am on discord
@edena What do you discord for, Edena?
Bret Lawrence
Tumblr (for the fandoms!) lol — I'll never delete this app! Substack — for a side newsletter project LinkedIn — obligatory but I don't like the vibes here