Elena Cirera

Do you think video reviews are more effective than text reviews?


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Willintong Ramirez Rodriguez
Of course, we are currently in a stage where audio visuals are consumed more, which is why the video review is better.
Sakshi Fotedar
I think either work equally well. Depends wholly upon the skills of the reviewer - I have found some amazon reviews from customers to be more effective, than short video reviews by professionals, it's all about how you put forth your points.
Sagarika Singh
@sakshi_fotedar exactly a video with a lot of nonsense is useless, a concise text review can sometimes get the point across very smoothly
Elena Cirera
@sakshi_fotedar @sagarika_singh But, I think a quality video review is more effective than a text review.
Saqib Ali
Most definitely, and that's because of two major reasons: 1. Videos can provide quick product demonstrations. In the case of a service review, viewers get to see a real and authentic client on camera. 2. Unlike text reviews, videos take lesser time and energy of a viewer while watching.
Elena Cirera
@saqib301 Yes. a video takes less time and energy to view; it can also be used for an effective product demonstration.
Sharath Kuruganty
I would say both. The point is not about the format but how authentic the review is. IMO social capital is a signal that comes from genuine, credible reviews.
Tytti Sandström
I'd say it really depends on the case. When choosing what kind of referral or review would be the best, i'd think about at least these things: - Who is it aimed for? - Where will it be shared? - In what kind of situation do you expect the reader/ viewer to be when they are running into them? - How much information the viewer has about the subject beforehand? - Do you aim to build trust or raise the level of understanding of the product? and so on. In my opinion combining video reviews text referrals like articles and shorter quote referrals would be most effective in most cases.
Laura Partanen
@tytti_sandstrom I totally agree with this! Video review is of course efficient because it gets attention and can include lots of info with both; words and footage. However, it's important to remember all those things you mentioned when choosing the form of the review :)
Elena Cirera
@tytti_sandstrom @laura_partanen Thanks for sharing a nice comment; I appreciate your discussion contribution.
Dawn Veltri
For me, it depends. Video reviews hosted on websites often load incredibly slow and don't have captions. I rarely listen to videos. For clothing purchases, I prefer video, but those reviews are rare. If clothing websites made it easier to leave video reviews, I think more people would leave them.
Elena Cirera
@dawn_veltri1 I agree with you, I think for technical and complex products, text reviews can be more helpful, but for the products of daily usage like clothing, fashion brands and food items, video reviews are an excellent choice.
Anu Varila
For me, video works better because you can also see/hear a person’s emotional state and that builds trust.
Brian Nutt
@elena_cirera I checked out @vidmonials and it looks pretty cool. I wonder if you could use some mix of technologies to record a video testimonial and then present short form of autogenerated text through NLP that could be read as a teaser to watch the video. I see value in both text and video. In fact, there is deep evidence that they both perform differently and can even out perform one another depending on the context of the message. Video is powerful, but don't overlook text entirely.
Elena Cirera
@vidmonials @brian_nutt Thank you very much for your appreciation! Videos are indeed more effective than text, but at the same time, nobody can deny the importance of the text also.
Brian Nutt
@vidmonials @elena_cirera I'm not suggesting videos cannot be more effective. I have been in the video space for many years and am currently working on a product with a focus on video automation/personalization at scale. Video comprehension has been reported to exceed text by some 60,000 times- but under the right conditions. Just something to consider as product evolves and use cases expand.
Elena Cirera
@vidmonials @brian_nutt Surprisingly, video comprehension can exceed 60,000 times than text under the right conditions. Would you like to share the source of this fantastic information
Nil Koirala
It depends on several factors. What are you covering, target audience, and more? In general, I would go for text review to get a surface idea and later on video content if I find anything interesting. So, If I am already developing a video I would at least provide a summary in the text version.
Akriti Vyas
I always read and appreciate text reviews. But it is found that 88% of consumers trust video reviews because they are hard to fake.
Daniel Leal
Elena, I do prefer video because let's say I have the chance to easily explain what I am seeing in the moment and the way I am feeling about something. It works perfectly to explain to our UX/UI designer a new feature for example.
Audrey Lo
Depends on where I am consuming the content (mobile/web...on the go, at home). Overall though, video is just easier to digest.
Alex Robinson
@audrey_lo Yes, I'd say that's right. It's a lot easier to digest a video when you're on the go, but text is better when you're at home and have the time to really read and learn something.
Shawn Mclean
Before we pivoted to our current idea validation engine (@samelogicai), we were doing video-based surveys on websites. We ran these videos through an NLP and emotion engine to give you back some insights. Our biggest problem was the quality of the videos. If you can nail that problem of proper lighting, that should get you going further than we did. But our audience was the users of SaaS products.
Connor Jewiss
I think it depends. For a smartphone, car, laptop, headphones, and other larger purchases, I'd say a video for sure. If it's just something daft like a keyboard, mouse, smart home device, etc, a written review is easier as it's much quicker to skim through. Depends on whether you need to see what the product's like to use all the time in detail, or just a quick "does it work?"
Hussain Shah
Yeah i will go for video testimonials they have more impact full then written ones
Ng Fang Kiang
yea, a lot better
Ghost Kitty
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Kim Salmi
Videos reviews are really powerful, but it also depends on the quality of the review. You can get a lot of text reviews from your customers for free and then just choose to use the best ones. On the video side you probably have to pay for each video (discount, gift card, charity, etc..) and even then you don't know what the quality will be.
I'd say text because I can skim through it quickly; whereas video I tend to fast forward (especially if it's a long review) and might skip an interesting point the person is saying.
Nick Freiling
Yes, but only if they dive right in and get to the point immediately. No one sits and reads an entire long review -- they scan for keywords and the most important parts. Video reviews should be quick and to the point.