Ghost Kitty

Do you guys work on weekends?


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Ahmed Yassin
what is weekend ?
Tegan Bradleys
Yes I do.
yes sir! working through the weekend to prepare for PH launching
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@cloodoworkspace how are you splitting your time currently this close to the launch?
Yes, on Saturday but I decided to skip Sunday, first of all you need some time to rest, take a break and be able to be creative again and if you did the right amount of work during the week, you should have time enough to rest and enjoy yourself during this day. My grandfather used to say, son, if you can't do a good job by 6pm, don't stay until 8pm. I believe this culture of work hard is totally valid but you also need to work smart and understand the success is not a sprint but a marathon. @zeeshan_aslam
Oana M
Andreas Mรธller
Some times, but I try not to do too much. When I work too much I end up not getting much done :)
Umair Zubair
Maria Golikova
Launching soon!
Yes, but not all the time. Depends on what I'm working on currently, my level of motivation, and what else I have going on. I try to take one full day off weekly, but it doesn't always work out that way.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@mariakova if you had to choose - do you prefer the Saturday or Sunday entirely off?
Maria Golikova
Launching soon!
@dzaitzow Sunday as Iโ€™m often finishing up work on Saturday and hanging out with friends or family. Then Sunday I can go on a hike, read, and generally rest. How about you?
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@mariakova I think I'd prefer Saturday off entirely. Either way I try to work in the middle of the day on weekends so I can mix in a fun activity (or a late start at least) on both days. I think I'd prefer Saturday off because If I want to go out for dinner I can still feel psychologically okay with waking up late on a Sunday vs a Monday haha.
Sarvpriy Arya
Tara Fitzgerald
Ghost Kitty
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Rajat Dhamija
Yes i do, but on personal growth.
Frank Sondors
Always :)
Sophia Emma
If I am working on my freelance project.
Bobby Fisher
7 days a week, though I get more done on some days...
Bobby Fisher
@zeeshan_aslam Hi Zeeshan. I run an unlimited design subscription service (covering web design, logos and other assets). You can find out more at :)
it's Saturday here, and I'm working. so yeah, I do work on weekends :)
@zeeshan_aslam, I do. But just not all the weekends. :) Btw, we're having our first-ever launch today. So we had to do a bit more work this weekend. :)
Tanzirul Huda
I do.
Moin Shaikh
I do! It's a valuable time to invest in my side project. I also spend my weekend time in learning new languages and tools. Enhancing my skillset not only boosts my career prospects but also keeps me engaged and passionate about what I do. Weekends provide the perfect opportunity for this focused self-improvement, and I find it incredibly rewarding. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿš€
Roland Marlow
Yes, I enjoy working too much not to.
Hanna Barzakouskaya
Yes, I do. Just 3 days left before out launch in PH