I usually go with whatever matches my vibe – light during the day and dark at night. But I'd totally dig having more choices than just plain light or dark themes.
If I'm browsing apps that are more photo or video, I like dark mode but if I have to read articles, for some reason, dark mode hurts my eyes. I prefer light mode in that case.
Depends on the time of day. I use dark mode mode for most things on my phone but my computer tends to have most things (except browser windows) in light mode.
Depends on the visual canvas I am working - some graphs I create require light mode to highlight certain nodes and background text.
When however I am working on AI related knowledge graphs, then dark mode theme is more suitable, looks better and does not tire the eye.
Web 3 users for instance generally prefer dark mode, same with programmers.
Knowledge workers and heavy note taking users, usually prefer light mode but nothing is absolute, this is just an observation
Ultimately, I found that most products need to have both modes to appease as many users as possible.