Do you dream big or focus on small things instead?
I've always admired people who are not afraid to dream big and aim for the heights. They kind of have that drive and bravery to say "I'm going to be rich" or " I'm going to win this thing", or "One day my brand will be known all over the world" ... you get the idea.
Many think and say that those people are dreamers, full of themselves, cringe worthy etc. They are met with ridicule, because what they dream of seems so far fetched. But once they achieve those goals they are either met with jealousy, critique, disbelief or admiration. Depending on who they are.
I personally thought of myself as someone with a small town mindset. I never dared to dream of something extraordinary. I'm a perfectionist. Just work hard, do the right thing, take care of everyone around you, don't be silly, don't do anything stupid, be level headed and rational etc. When in reality I was quietly building myself up to something bigger and better.
Some people are better at expressing themselves and thinking out loud.
Some people are better at following through with what they say.
Some are more driven than others... but we ALL have what it takes to dream and win big!
What separates us if the ability to let go of our insecurities, fears and our "small town" mentality. We conform instead of standing out and embracing our unique differences.
Caring about small things and celebrating small wins is actually super important for achieving big ones! But it can also stop our progress. If you have the tunnel vision for too long you will never see the bigger picture.
So where is your head at? Do you dare to dream big or are you quietly inspecting the ant work? :-)
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