Anil Matcha

Do website load speed matters ?


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Deepshikha Dhankher
Yes, website load speed matters. It impacts user experience and conversions.
Tanay from Stacks
Yes it does, you give a good impression to your users and get better search rankings for better load speeds.
Tapan Patel
Absolutely, it is primary to have a good page speed.
Sophia Solanki
Yes very much. Both for conversions and SEO.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
It definitely matters for SEO, even if tenths of a second don’t matter to the user. You can find many tools on the Internet for measuring it.
George Burmistrov
Of course it does! A user will just lose their interest in whatever there is on a website if its loading time is slower than a turtle
Nitheesh Seshadri
Absolutely, otherwise the user will leave the site.
There is a popular statistic that if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, it takes a serious UX + SEO hit
It is essential, yet often overlooked. In times of instant gratification expectations, having a fast loading website will help conversion. And it has also a big impact on SEO performance