Udaya Sri

Crossed 40 day streak!!

I know this isn’t a huge number, but I’m focusing on celebrating the small wins. What "small win" do you want to celebrate? BTW Happy weekend guys!!

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Isabelle W
Congrats! Celebrating a 6-day streak here... haha. I called it a "mini win"
Ivan Territo
Great! How do you think this routing is impacting your life until now?
Udaya Sri
@ivan_territo It's helping me discover cool products daily and connect with like-minded people, growing my network.
Ivan Territo
@udaya_sri Good, I have the same purpose, but I think most of the time there is not a real interest in networking, but only pushing your product
Bilal Asif
Congratulations! Keep the streak running. :D Good work!!
Milli Sen
Congrats! Small wins are also achievements. Keep it up!
Udaya Sri
@millisen I agree. And I should say celebrating small wins only motivated me to achieve more. Thank you!
That's so cool, Udaya. Keep up the consistency!
Priyanka Saini
Congratulations Udaya!!! 🙌🏼
Rakee Kumari
Your consistency is paying off. Keep up the great effort!
Tegan Bradleys
So amazing! Congratulations
Aditya Sriram
congratulations and happy weekend! :)
Kimberly Johnson
Awesome! 40 days is a great milestone. 🔥 Remember, consistency is key. Just take it one day at a time and focus on maintaining your daily habits. Before you know it, you'll hit 50 days, then 100! 💪 Keep up the fantastic work and enjoy the journey. You got this! 🙌
Nupur Tevatiya
Congratulations Udaya 🙌🏻.. Small wins make huge impact in the long run.
Ali Haider
That’s impressive ! Congratulations on reaching a 40-day streak ! What’s the streak for?
Katerina Dedyulya
Nice!! Does it make any difference for the profile tho? i'm still figuring all this ProductHunt platform our :)