Bogomil Stoev

Countdown to our first launch! Any golden nuggets of advice or tips to ensure a successful debut?

Launching my first product on the second week of October, Give me some suggestions please.

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All the best for the launch!
George B. Aleesu
Keep growing your PH followers and engagement. All the best with your launch, mate! :)
Pam K.
Build genuine connections with other PHers, especially those launching around the same time as you so you can support each other.
Marilena Nikou
Launching today Xence by Gaspar AI and I am beyond excited and stressed! Will share learnings with you tomorrow!
Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Mathis Vella
Best of luck!
Klaudia Bumgarner
Create a launch plan.
Noah Jessica
you build anticipation for your product and encourage people to check it out when it launches.