
Coffee doesn’t make you more productive ☕️

[Unpopular Opinion]

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I work in the tech world as a developer and devops, and I don't make coffee because it causes me to be sleepy instead of making me active. And from personal experience I absolutely agree
André J
Well, it kinda does. it compresses your focus in a short period. But you burn more mental capacity, so you burn out quicker. But if you need an extra boost for a small period, then it does make you more productive.
Mansi Trivedi
Oh, come on! I'm never gonna believe that! [Very strong opinion]👀👀
Fabian Maume
May be you need a stronger drug. Have you tried maté? 🧉 More seriously it depends a lot on your metabolism. Caffeine works only for some people.
KC Onrade
I guess it's case to case basis. For me, coffee helps me to stay alert and focus, thus making me more productive. Still depends on your liking, though. Not everyone is a fan of coffee, but I guess whatever is their go-to drink , anything that makes you happy and helps you to start your day, helps you in being more productive in a way. :))
Maria Anosova 🔥
It depends on the coffee)
Darya Skorokhod
It's not always about coffee, but rather about your daily working routine. I changed coffee to tea, and now tea is what makes me more productive in the mornings. It is so, as this daily routine (buying coffee or making yourself tea, or anything else you do daily before starting your work) helps to focus on work and switch mood from "lazy morning" to "hard focused work" mode.
Anthony Latona
Personally, I think it gives me a little kick but I'm sort of a coffee addict. There's also diminishing returns... too much, and you're buzzing and it can make things worse.