Igor Cozman

Casino camping life hack

Between stays at campgrounds around the Phoenix area recently, we spent a night at Lone Butte Casino, west of Chandler. Free with no registration of any kind, but they are rather particular about where you park, so I would advise talking with security before setting up. Anyway, we go in for dinner and are looking at the menu at the entrance to the steakhouse. Guy walks up and asks if we're going to eat. Yes. He then hands us a voucher for $125. He's a high roller and they give him these vouchers for gambling big, but there's a catch- the voucher is only good until midnight the next day. The guy is pissed at the casino for having a crappy rewards program, so he's seeking out someone to use his voucher so the casino doesn't make out quite so well. So there you go. He can't be the only one, and it sure ain't the only casino. Stand and study the menu for a few minutes, could get a nice free meal.

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Maybe several if not used all at once..>>