Diana Iun

Can you work without coffee?


What are the everyday rituals except coffee that make you productive?

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Mahad Kamran
I cant go without tea. I need 2-3 cups of it specially one in breakfast to get going with the day!
Charlie Mack
I just had to get my teeth whitened (at the behest of my girlfriend) for our upcoming wedding. During the process you cant drink coffee for the whole week. Probably one of the least productive starts to the week of my life! Although at the tail end of it now and it's getting better. So I am actually contemplating staying off the juice, because I always tend to have a late afternoon crash when I'm drinking coffee.
Zoe Stetsenko
@charlie_mack Congratulations on your soon-to-be wedding! By the way, there are excellent dental-pens now - after coffee you just need to smear them on your teeth, and your teeth remain as white as they used to beπŸš€
Zoe Stetsenko
Oh, I can't even exist normally without coffee. I moved to a very rainy city two years ago, there's a coffee shop at every turn here - and it's a very profitable business in this city, haha. With this weather,all citizens have an urgent need for coffee all the time. As for rituals - at the beginning of the day I always write a list of mandatory tasks that must be completed today, this is my main plan for the day, it really helps to stay focused
Diana Akchurina
It seems that I am hypersensitive to caffeine. It is better for me not to drink coffee, because at first I have a great condition, but in 2-3 hours a 'caffeine hangover' starts, it's terrible. So, exercises, enough sleep help me a lot
Yes, I can work without coffee. When I feel sleepy during work, I have a simple routine that helps me feel more energized and productive. I take a short break and go out for a brisk 5-minute walk. After this short walk, I feel refreshed and ready to continue with my work. Instead of relying on coffee, which can be unhealthy, I choose not to drink it. This routine of mine helps me stay fit and be more productive in the long run.
Clara Kyara
Yes I can at 100% Actually I am not a coffee addict and I don't take it at all unless I meet someone who does so and influence me to drink of which it can happen once in a year or not at all. I use to drink water or juice when I am working.
Clara Kyara
@diana_iun yes I do struggle sometimes. But when I wakeup I play my playlist, do some body warm up exercises and I be active
Marilena Nikou
Haha yes! but I love the morning coffee routine
Olga Pavlova
I can. Colleagues not.
Frank Sondors
Nope. Average intake of 6-7 cups per day
Jose Pruitt
I am really a coffee addicted person. Can't wake up without it
Lacey Winter
absolutely not! Full on caffeine addicted now. Can't stop, won't stop.
Oliver Rani
Hahah need coffee to function!
David Babuschkin
Generally speaking yes I can but I find myself being less focused than I'd want to be. That being said my caffeine consumption goes through cycles - after about a year or so of regular intake I tend to take breaks, because I have to acknowledge that it stops making me feel great and simply get my heart beating faster while my head remains spacey. I think the magic of coffee is drinking it irregularly, and then in small amounts :)
Hassan Muazzam
No, I can't work without coffee because it's impossible.
Alexander Green
Yes, I can do my work without coffee but sometimes I need coffee.
Rehan Saleem
yes! I like the morning coffee routine
I'm caffeine intolerant I can't work with coffee at allπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Only brushing my teeth comes before coffee.
Can you live without air??? Aside from coffee - morning walks, having a clear to-do list at the start of the day and working in chunks of time.