Dan Kulkov

Building in public? Share your Twitter account

Drop your Twitter account in the comments. Connect with others!

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Stijn van Balen
@sbalen Sold a SaaS last year. Building 3 indie projects this year, to learn and create.
Clément Rog
https://twitter.com/clementrog tweeting about growing my project. I write a publication to help developers / indie hackers bootstrap their marketing
Dan Kulkov
Mine: https://twitter.com/DanKulkov I tweet about Indie journey, Self-education and Problem Solving
I am passionate about building basic digital products with the least amount of resources. Something related to doing more with less. My Twitter is https://twitter.com/luciantartea
Suvojit Manna
I post about building products in public and what I learn from them https://twitter.com/_smanna
We're posting content for early-stage founders and also sharing our milestones right here - > https://twitter.com/tokenhuntclub Our community manager really tries hard to find some rare yet useful stuff, and she also follows back all the founders:)
Raphael Salaja
Hey Dan, Thanks for giving us a space to make new connections, really appreciate it🔥 Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/raf_underscore I am currently planning to release two products this month. 1. Unite: https://rafunderscore.vercel.app... A browser extension that combines all your most used actions in once place 2. Loadit: https://rafunderscore.vercel.app... A Reddit companion browser extension that helps speed up slow and laborious tasks currently on the website
Brian Carmody
https://twitter.com/BrianCarmody Good idea Dan. Thanks for thinking of this. I'm building a community for boot-strappers who want accountability partners and some hand-holding to hit their milestones. Founders are usually burning with desire, but there are times when we drink from a firehose and need some help staying on track to hit the milestones.
Alfred Nerstu
Hi, I'm Finn, an independent designer based in Copenhagen. I tweet about product design, svelte development and solopreneurship on https://twitter.com/finnbuilds
Sean Song
@seansong new venture just started, welcome to follow
Nico Muoio
My account: https://twitter.com/NicoMuoio Tweeting proven tips and tricks to help boost landing page conversion rate!
András Juhász
https://twitter.com/andrasjuhasz I publish random blurbs of thoughts about product management, and I recently started a publication on the topic to share hands-on challenges and ideas with others.
Jake Reynolds
if you can build it or break it, I’ll be tweeting about it 😊 https://twitter.com/jreynoldsdev
Rinat Khat
I am building a platform where you can hire remote senior developers who want and know how to work in startups. twitter.com/RinatKhat
Colton Kaplan
https://twitter.com/ColtonKaplan Work in operations in eCommerce. Trying to break into product management and launch my own startup/project.
Osmar Sami
Mine -- https://twitter.com/MansoorOsmar Mostly nerd and tech stuff 🤓
https://twitter.com/soniiakost As I am working mainly on our product's socials, I am also trying very hard to get my personal account going and build a strong Twitter network. I tweet mostly about design, community and my personal stuff, keeping things a little less formal over there :) https://twitter.com/AaplyHQ - and this one is an awesome product account that I work on :) In the pre-launch stage, we're sharing interviews with successful designers and product managers and answers to the questions that may help any starting-out designer.