Jamie Stirrat

Bonding as a remote team

How do you personally manage it?

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Andrei Petrik
There's lots you can do. Other people have mentioned games already. So, what I used to do is literally have an "open virtual door" used to do it in Praglii, but that tool just failed for us. But I'd share out a google hangout link and anyone on the team could jump in and out. Ask a question, share an idea, or just work in silence for a bit while on hangout.
Jamie Stirrat
@andrei_petrik2 Amazing, I love this! You said used to, so wondering if you still do this? We're actually building a collaborative desktop experience (trymoot.com), with workspaces, shared dashboards and co-working features integrated. Very much like what you've been doing here with an added ability to actually work together. Let me know if interested!
Andrei Petrik
@jamesstirrat currently I'm in a different timezone so it hard to coordinate an overlap. But everyone knows (I hope) that they can just jump on a hangout with me at a moments notice.
Pablo Fatas
I think especially since Covid there are plenty on online group activities you can do. If you’re a small team a fun thing to do is “zoom drinks” and some kind of board game. Our favorite is codenames. really fun game that is easy to understand and requires some teamwork :) https://codenames.game/
Jamie Stirrat
@pablo_fatas Nice, we've been trying out different tools as a fun activity, one of which has been https://thursday.social :)
Pablo Fatas
@jamesstirrat That looks like a lot of fun actually. How has it been?
Pablo Fatas
@jamesstirrat I mean its in the title just do it on thrusdays 😂
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
I recommend starting email threads where everybody can share their story. That's what was done in my previous job where we had hundreds of freelancers all working remotely. Our managers would occasionally start a thread (often before holidays) like "The spookiest story" or "Your family's weird traditions". Everybody would share their experiences and then managers would make a game based on them. A game was simple and checks how much you remember. Questions would sound like this: Whose family had a tradition of watching bad reality shows every time they got together? A team that won the game would get a day off or a long lunch:)
Luka Vasic
Besides games which I think everyone played as a remote team, every few weeks we have a Lunch&Learn event. Every team prepares an education for the whole company and presents it. This way we all learn, get to know people from other teams better, and have fun. We have remote working times from time to time which helps us in idea exchanges and some personal chit chat.
Jamie Stirrat
@luka_vasic Oh I love this, how do your people feel about it? This is something I'd love to integrate.
Luka Vasic
@jamesstirrat Everyone loves it. It always starts nice conversations around the topics, and also lets you talk about things that interest you.
Geetanjali Shrivastava
We used to organise zoom events - Trivia evenings, Friday Fun etc...but as a bootstrapped startup, that was taking too much time to organise, and got super complicated with different time zones. And I realised what truly works is empathy - being interested in the people you work with. We started taking a little time in our daily calls to talk about non-work, personal stuff. It's pretty tough to remember to do that when the product release is looming up, but we try!