Darya Antonyuk

Best way to kick off a productive working day?


For me, it's allowing myself to indulge in a cup of coffee while watching some TV series or YouTube videos, you?

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It's best to start the day by checking out Product Hunt)))
Darya Antonyuk
@alex_egorov totally agreed! I do the same all the time!
Sara jalildokhti
doing some meditation and yoga! after that a nice cup of coffee
Darya Antonyuk
@sara_jalildokhti sounds like a very nice morning! tried yoga, but couldn't make myself doing it on a regular basis. Do you watch some online videos with workouts?
Sara jalildokhti
@darya_antonyuk i had the same experience but since i discovered my favorite style of yoga i can't let it go! simply search for different type of yoga classes on youtube and find your favorite! mine is iyengar yoga which mainy focuses on strength.
Erkin Bek
The main thing is to start in the morning and start doing important and challenging tasks. But I rarely do that myself )
Lera Shulga
For me, it's waking up early (6-7 a.m.) and going for a walk. No gadgets, just my thoughts and plans for the day:)
Darya Antonyuk
@shulga_lera that's awesome! I wish I could wake up that early!
Elena Tsemirava
For me it's a tasty breakfast and a cup of coffee.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Almost the same: a cup of strong tee, reading the news and watching some YouTube.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
@darya_antonyuk I see different auto channels and video game news. Purely for relaxation and nothing for work.
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
No phone before breakfast + sport exercises for 30 mins before work
Darya Antonyuk
@evgeny_kotelevskiy wow, no phone sounds almost impossible for me... sounds like something worth trying
Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
Big glass of water, breakfast with my partner and son. Then eliptical workout.
Naoto Shibata
Drink a cup of coffee while reading product hunt! It motivate me
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