PH is probably one of the best platforms when it comes to connecting with entrepreneurs. What are some other startup platforms/communities you enjoy being a part of?
My personal take on this question is not popular but very powerful.
Going to interviews at companies owned by those entrepreneurs you want to connect with. When you're being interviewed and reach the level of the owner, which is a common thing for smaller companies, you naturally build rapport, show yourself and start building relationships with those entrepreneurs.
It's a great tool to build connections overall, but a bit time consuming. Still, you also benefit from getting to know their business better and can evaluate how their teams / processes work and learn from it.
@dan_yes Agreed! It's not only great for networking but also get the know the companies as well. I'd say it's totally worth it even though it can be a little time consuming.
@lara_tankal@brennen_barney yep I agree, it doesn't scale. But that's also one of the reasons why most of the people avoid or underestimate this approach, meaning that when you actually do this, you're probably going to be the first and only person going through this much to get a direct communication with that entrepreneur. It goes a long way since it shows them how important they are in your eyes, and from my experience - people really appreciate it and remember this unique approach. I've found 2 very powerful business friends via this trick who we are still good friends with, even though I moved to another country and changed my career - we're still good friends and will probably be for a long time (I hope).
Email communication would be a nice and better way to communicate with others. Basically, people live in different areas. It's not possible to meet up with of entrepreneurs. But if you have an email address then you can do it easily and comfortably. So I think email communication would be better.
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