Sergei Petrov

Backend or Frontend?


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Haris Khan
Hey, I like doing both, there should be a full stack option.
Rich Watson
Seems like everyone hates frontend. Like my whole development team does not like it all, anything to do with CSS or HTML
Cetpa Infotech
Backend and Fronted both are very important. If you want to learn both you can Join Online Fullstack Training.
Akram Quraishi
Both are important. Full stack here!
Sergei Petrov
@akramquraishi This is very cool! But doesn't even a full stack have a preference? 😉
Vickie Richard
If you're interested in the designing aspect, the front end would be great. If you're good at logical thinking, API, server management, the back end would be better.
Pooja Kapadia
This depends on your skills and interests. Backend development focuses on the servers and databases that power a website, while front-end development focuses on the design and code of the website itself. You can also choose full stack as it includes both To learn Full stack course visit us
According to me both Backend and Frontend are important.
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Genai Masters
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Both are important
Cloud Computing

Both backend and frontend are crucial for creating amazing applications. If you're ready to dive into both, join an online full-stack training course in Noida.